Rebecca Jane Foundation

Bereaved Mother's Day Fundraising Lunch

We are proud to announce that our major fundraiser on Sunday, May 5th, 2024 at the Mulgrave Country Club was a huge success with over $17,000 raised!

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Welcome to the Rebecca Jane Foundation web site

A thank you from one of our families:

Our beautiful baby boy was tragically stillborn. This loss has left our family heartbroken. The support of family, friends and the staff at the hospital has helped us through this, the most difficult time and now with the support of this fantastic charity we are able to give our baby the goodbye that he deserves and have our entire family feel included and loved during this.

We wanted to thank the Rebecca Jane Foundation for all of the beautiful work that they do. The kindness shown to us over these trying times has been heartwarming.

Why Rebecca Jane?

Rebecca Jane was born on August 7th, 1978 and died on June 3rd, 1979 – she was almost 10 months old. I was her mum, my name is Robyn O’Connell and I want to explain why I started the Rebecca Jane Foundation in honour of my precious baby girl.

In all the tragedy that arose from Rebecca Jane’s passing, one of the most touching moments was when our parish priest came along like a beacon in the darkness and told us not to worry, the church would pay for everything to do with the funeral. It felt like I was being given a gift of a million dollars and even though I have long since left the church, I have never forgotten that kindness; it has, and will stay with me forever.

Now, I want others to experience that feeling too.

While it might have taken 39 years to happen, this is why the foundation was started. We want to help families who are experiencing financial hardship as well as going through the heartbreaking loss of a baby. If we can at least take the pressure away of being even further financially burdened.

To read more click RJF Story.